Around the Kitchen Table: Monthly Brunch
Every third Sunday at the Growing Hope Kitchen (16 South Washington St., Ypsilanti, MI 48197)
We are attempting to create a balance of meeting the needs of our community with Covid safety.
To do this, we are limiting the number of people in the house at any one time, minimizing the cross over of overnight guests, and providing many of our services “to go” including grocery delivery. The balance of this changes so quickly, so please feel free to contact us.
We provide short term OVERNIGHT RESPITE to those experiencing homelessness. Guests can stay one to three nights.
We provide LONG TERM HOSPITALITY to bridge guests to a better situation; that may be a bridge from sleeping outside to the purchase of a tent or vehicle, or a space for someone who has secured housing after homelessness and is waiting on the availability of the new home.
During OPEN HOURS guests can shower, do laundry, get a snack or a meal, and be in community. In creating the space for this we foster “peer mentoring” where those who have navigated the systems to access services can assist others in doing so. We provide resources and information in how to go about accessing services.
“BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR” is an important house expectation—to that end, we have a little free library, a community garden, an outdoor food pantry, and an outdoor pet food pantry, all open to both guests and neighbors. We offer the opportunity for folks often on the receiving end to “give back” through community service projects, work days and volunteer opportunities.
During the winter months, much of our waging love energy goes towards organizing daytime warming shelters in both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. We do this in partnership with several organizations including M.I.S.S.I.O.N., Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, and local faith-based communities.
We are working on a MICRO-LOAN PROGRAM geared toward helping individuals gain the tools and resources to get back on their feet. Work boots and uniforms, the cost of taking the GED, and car repairs are a few of the examples of things that might be cost prohibitive for our friends and guests. Creating ways to make these tools accessible can support folks in moving forward.
We provide support for those caught up in the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM and their families (birth and chosen) and friends.
We offer EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL EVENTS especially highlighting health and wellness. Including a weekly women’s night focused on support among women as well as health, wellness and self care.
A PULL OVER PREVENTION program has been developed by partnering with other community agencies to prevent racial profiling and traffic violations. Free brake lights, head lights, and tail light repair is available with free snacks, childcare and information.
Pull Over Prevention Clinics are on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Visit their events page for more info.

We offer weekly grocery delivery to an average of 50 households a week. Much of it is rescued food that would otherwise be thrown away.
Thank you to all of our delivery volunteers!

Front porch pantry
In an effort to get food without contact, we started a front porch pantry geared towards people who are camping or staying in a hotel. We provide hydrating drinks and high protein easy to prepare meals. Bug spray, hand sanitizer, cloth masks, and hygiene supplies are also available. In the winter months, we provide hand warmers, hats, gloves and other winter supplies. Additionally we host a pet food pantry with various supplies for the animal companions in everyone’s lives. It is open 24 hours to the public.

“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.”
— Dorothy Day